

Ability: Strength
Strength measures a character's muscle, endurance, and stamina. A high Strength allows a character to hit more often and deal more damage with melee weapons. A high Strength also allows a character to carry heavier equipment, as well as force open locked doors and chests with a greater degree of success.

Strength To Hit Damage Weight Limit Force Lock
1-3-3-1 53%
4-5-2-1 154%
6-7-1-- 306%
8-9---- 508%
10-11---- 7010%
12-13---- 9012%
14-15---- 12014%
16--+1 15016%
17+1+1 17018%
18+1+2 20020%
18/01-50+1+3 22025%
18/51-75+2+3 25030%
18/76-90+3+4 28035%
18/91-99+2+5 32040%
18/00+3+6 40045%
19+3+7 50050%
20+3+8 60055%
21+4+9 70060%
22+4+10 80065%
23+5+11 100070%
24+6+12 120075%
25+7+14 160080%