

Ranger Spells - Second Level
Delay Poison

Level: Clr 2, Pal 2, Rgr 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/level
Target: One creature
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The affected creature becomes temprorarily immune to poison. Any poison that would affect her "waits around" until the spell ends and then takes effect. The spell works regardless of whether the poison is already in the character's system. It does not, however, cure any damage that poison may have already done.


Level: Rgr 2, Sor 1
Range: Medium (100' + 10'/level)
Duration: 1 minute/level
Area: Several living creatures within a 15' radius burst
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

A sleep spell causes a comatose slumber to come upon one or more creatures. Up to 2d4 Hit Dice or levels of creatures can be affected, with creatures with the least amount of Hit Dice affected first. No creature with 5 or more Hit Dice or levels is affected, and Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens affected creatures, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a partial action.