

The Hero of Skill
Did we miss anything during this quest? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

You've braved the perils involved with being Stranded in Wraithmarsh and have finally made it to Bloodstone. Theresa points out that the largest house in Bloodstone (in the northeast section of town) is most likely Reaver's, so you should pay it a visit and make the thief's acquaintence. But wait! There's plenty of new real estate to purchase, goods to browse through, and people to talk with in Bloodstone. You'll also have access to some new side quests, including Treasure Island of Doom!, Rescuing Charlie, T.O.B.Y., Love Hurts, Evil in Wraithmarsh, Something Rotten, and Brightwood Tower.

Eventually, though, you're going to have to have a chat with Reaver. "Scoundrel" is probably the best way to describe him, though he is pretty hilarious to listen to. While one of his hirelings chisels away a statue in his honor, he'll tell you that he doesn't waste time on "nobodys". That is, unless you already have 20,000 renown points. If not, then you'll have to leave (and listen to him chuckle as he shoots the sculptor) and complete some side quests like those I mentioned above. You can also pay a visit to the bard down at the waterfront for some instant (and cheap) renown points. You should have a few trophies by now, too, so feel free to flaunt those in front of a group of fickle townsfolk for even more renown.

Once you reach the magical number necessary to appease Reaver, return to his mansion to find a new hireling busy painting a picture of him. He now knows much more about you, including the small fact that you recently escaped from Lucien's Spire. He assumes that you want his help to "waltz back in there and take him down", but he won't help your cause until you've done something that benefits him. He then goes on to tell you that he needs an item returned to its owners within the Shadow Court in Wraithmarsh. You have no choice, so pick up Reaver's Dark Seal on the nearby table. Theresa warns that there is more to this task than Reaver lets on, but there's not a whole lot you can do about it. Returning the Dark Seal is your only option to press forward.

When the task is complete, you'll want to report your success to Reaver. However, keep in mind that you are nearing the end of the game. This is your last chance to tackle any pending side quests until after you've confronted Lucien, so don't return to Reaver until you're ready to finish what you started so long ago. When you are ready, fast-travel to the Bloodstone Mansion and head inside. This time around, it's Barnum that's trying to immortalize Reaver in his fancy pose with the image capturing device you struck your own pose for during childhood. Unfortunately, Reaver isn't too happy to hear that the picture is going to take three months to develop, so Albion's finest entreprenuer takes a bullet to the face. With a chuckle, the scoundrel then tells you that he's made arrangements for Lucien's men to take you back to the Spire in exchange for "a large heap of gold". Suddenly, an explosion rocks the mansion and you'll find yourself moving on to the Bloodstone Assault quest.