

Location: Bargate Prison

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1 - Cell Block One

This is where you'll start out in the prison. In this cell block, you can find a stick and a piece of red meat.

2 - Cell Block Two

On the ground in here you'll find a small moustache style card.

3 - Cell Block Three

If you loot the containers in here, you'll find plate boots and a health potion.

4 - Barrels

If you break open all of the barrels, you'll find two health potions, a carrot, an apple pie, and a piece of red meat.

5 - Prison Barracks

If you loot all of the containers in here, you'll find your missing belonging, a complete guard uniform, an Ages of Might potion, a Harion Arm Tattoo, a Harion Shoulder Tattoo, a will potion, and a piece of red meat.

6 - Warden's Office

In a shelf in the warden's office, you can pick up a Somrune Tattoo.

  1. Exit to the Torture Chamber.
  2. Stairs between the Prison Courtyard and the Prison Ramparts.