

Occult Hunter Skill: Ball Lightning
Ball Lightning Cost: 1
Hurls a small electric sphere that creates a 4m shock explosion upon hitting a target. The sphere then remains in place for 6s and keeps shocking up to 3 enemies within 4m every 2s.

Skill Ranks
  1. Deals 50% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  2. Deals 56% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  3. Deals 62% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  4. Deals 67% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  5. Deals 72% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  6. Deals 77% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  7. Deals 81% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  8. Deals 84% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  9. Deals 86% of Spellpower as lightning damage
  10. Deals 87% of Spellpower as lightning damage

Skill Masteries

Greater Ball Lightning: The area of effect (for both the explosion and the lightning area) is increased by 1m. Requires Rank 5.
Persistent Ball Lightning: The sphere remains for an additional 2s. Requires Rank 10.

Skill Powerups

Persistent Current: The sphere remains for an additional 3s.
Arc Reconstitution: The ball lightning arcs recharge 1% of your max mana with each hit.
Shock Current: Targets hit (by the explosion or the lightning arcs) are paralyzed for 2s.