

Ability Scores

Strength is the measure of physical power. The higher a character's strength, the more he can carry, the more likely he is to hit in melee combat, and the more damage he will do when he does hit. Fighters, rangers and paladins with an 18 strength also have a percentage value from 1 to 100. The maximum percentage values vary from race to race.

Strength is the most important for fighter type characters (fighters, rangers, paladins). If it is 16 or higher, fighters receive a bonus of 10% additional experience points. Paladins must have strength and wisdom of 16 or higher to get the experience bonus. Rangers must have strength, intelligence and wisdom of 16 or greater to receive the bonus.

Non-human fighters may have a lower maximum level if their strength is less than 18. See the Races section for more information.

Strength THACØ Bonus Damage Adjustment Weight Allowance
3 -3 -1 -350
4-5 -2 -1 -250
6-7 -1 0 -150
8-9 0 0 0
10-11 0 0 0
12-13 0 0 +100
14-15 0 0 +200
16 0 +1 +350
17 +1 +1 +500
18 +1 +2 +750
18/01-50 +1 +3 +1,000
18/51-75 +2 +3 +1,250
18/76-90 +2 +4 +1,500
18/91-99 +2 +5 +2,000
18/00 +3 +6 +3,000


Intelligence is the measure of learning ability. Magic-users with an intelligence of 16 or higher receive a 10% experience point bonus. Non-human magic-users may have a lower maximum level if their intelligence is less than 18. Rangers must have strength, intelligence and wisdom of 16 or higher to receive a 10% experience point bonus.


Wisdom is the measure of ability to understand the ways of the world and to interact with the world. Clerics get a 10% experience point bonus if their wisdom is 16 or higher. Clerics with a wisdom of 14 or higher receive additional low-level spells. The chart for this is shown on the Cleric class pasge.

Paladins must have strength and wisdom of 16 or higher to get the experience bonus. Rangers must have strength, intelligence and wisdom of 16 or greater to receive the bonus.


Dexterity is the measure of manual dexterity and agility. Thieves especially benefit from a high dexterity, as they receive a 10% experience point bonus if their dexterity is 16 or higher.

For every point of dexterity from 15 to 18, a character receives a corresponding one point improvement in his armor class. For every dexterity point from 16 to 18, a character also receives a one point improvement in his ability to hit with missile weapons.

It is highly recommended that all characters have a high dexterity. This is considered essential for magic-users and thieves.

Dexterity Missile Bonus AC Bonus
3 -3 +4
4 -2 +3
5 -1 +2
6 0 +1
7-14 0 0
15 0 -1
16 +1 -2
17 +2 -3
18 +3 -4


Constitution is the measure of overall health. Fighters receive one extra hit point (HP) per hit die for each extra point of constitution above 14. Non-fighters receive similar benefits except they can only gain a maximum of two extra HP per level.

Consitution also determines the maximum number of times a character can be raised from the dead, and the percent chance of a resurrection attempt being successful. Every time a character is successfully resurrected, he loses one point of constitution.

Consitution HP Adjustment Resurrection Chance
3 -2 40%
4 -1 45%
5 -1 50%
6 -1 55%
7 0 60%
8 0 65%
9 0 70%
10 0 75%
11 0 80%
12 0 85%
13 0 90%
14 0 92%
15 +1 94%
16 +2 96%
17 +2(+3)* 98%
18 +2(+4)* 100%

(*) Fighter classes (fighers, paladins, rangers) only


Charisma is the measure of how others react to a character. Charisma is sometimes a factor when a character has an encounter with NPCs. The higher the character's charisma, the more that character can persuade others to do what he wants. The character with the highest charisma should be the active character when parlaying.