

Most Recent Eschalon: Book III News

Basilisk Games Shelves Zodiac, Working on New Sci-Fi RPG

Posted by BuckGB at 3:54 pm on 08.26.2017 (6 years ago)

In a new "The State of the Basilisk" post on the studio's official forums, Basilisk Games' Thomas Riegsecker reveals that Zodiac a...

RPG Sale on GOG, Eschalon: Book I is Now Free

Posted by ValH at 11:25 am on 03.1.2017 (7 years ago)

The release of Torment: Tides of Numenera is a big deal for RPG fans everywhere. To commemorate this occasion, GOG is having a sal...

Five CRPGs We Should Check Out

Posted by BuckGB at 4:50 pm on 06.19.2016 (8 years ago)

Given the fact that it includes the entire Eschalon series, this feature on Play Die Reload that seeks to profile "five CRPGs you ...

Basilisk Games Interview

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 10:28 am on 02.11.2015 (9 years ago)

Basilisk Games' head Thomas Riegsecker has fielded some questions from RPGWatch on subjects such as the state of the game industry...

Basilisk Games Reveals Plans for "Next RPG Franchise"

Posted by BuckGB at 5:28 am on 12.31.2014 (9 years ago)

In a year-end holiday greeting posted to the official Basilisk Games website, we learn of their plans to develop "a few smaller ti...

GB Feature: Eschalon: Book III Content Overload

Posted by BuckGB at 2:35 am on 05.12.2014 (10 years ago)

We've rounded off a trilogy's worth of detailed coverage by putting the finishing touches on our Eschalon: Book III subsite. The d...

GB Feature: Eschalon: Book III Review

Posted by BuckGB at 2:09 am on 04.9.2014 (10 years ago)

We've already brought you an Eschalon: Book III subsite chock-full of content, but now that all of that information is at your dis...

The Eschalon Trilogy: Surviving in a Niche Market

Posted by BuckGB at 4:52 pm on 04.5.2014 (10 years ago)

Basilisk Games' Thomas Riegsecker has penned a retrospective feature called "The Eschalon Trilogy: Surviving in a Niche Market" ov...

Eschalon: Book III Reviews

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 11:28 am on 03.14.2014 (10 years ago)

We have rounded up a batch of, all things considered, mostly positive reviews for Basilisk Games' latest, Eschalon: Book III, whic...

Eschalon: Book III Released

Posted by BuckGB at 5:16 am on 02.15.2014 (10 years ago)

Right on cue, Basilisk Games has released the third and final installment to their excellent turn-based RPG series, which "brings ...

GB Feature: Eschalon: Book III Preview

Posted by BuckGB at 6:54 pm on 01.18.2014 (10 years ago)

Basilisk Games' Eschalon: Book III is scheduled for release in the very near future, and we've had the opportunity to spend some t...

Eschalon: Book III Release Date Announced

Posted by BuckGB at 7:16 pm on 12.4.2013 (10 years ago)

Basilisk Games Announces the release date for "Eschalon: Book III" Indianapolis, IN - December 3, 2013 - Basilisk Games, Inc. is ...

Eschalon: Book III Teaser Trailer

Posted by BuckGB at 2:53 am on 08.19.2013 (10 years ago)

Basilisk Games treated us to our first teaser trailer for Eschalon: Book III over the weekend, which likely means that we're going...

Eschalon: Book III Screenshot

Posted by BuckGB at 3:14 am on 01.21.2013 (11 years ago)

The small team over at Basilisk Games has treated us to a brand new screenshot from Eschalon: Book III, with this particular image...

Eschalon: Book III Box Artwork

Posted by BuckGB at 1:46 am on 12.4.2012 (11 years ago)

Basilisk Games' third entry in the Eschalon series has made its debut on, and while we aren't treated to any new scree...

Eschalon: Book III Officially Announced, Screenshots

Posted by sear at 12:49 am on 11.20.2012 (11 years ago)

We know it's been coming for some time already, but today, indie RPG Eschalon: Book III has been officially announced by its devel...

Eschalon: Book III to be Formally Announced on November 19th

Posted by BuckGB at 5:35 pm on 11.4.2012 (11 years ago)

Basilisk Games has been nearly silent for months now, but that's about to change on November 19th, when the independent developer ...

Eschalon: Book III Development Update

Posted by BuckGB at 4:21 pm on 12.31.2011 (12 years ago)

Before we head into the new year, Basilisk Games' Thomas Riegsecker has provided us with a development update on Eschalon: Book II...

Basilisk Games Interview

Posted by BuckGB at 2:56 am on 05.19.2011 (13 years ago)

Gaming Irresponsibly caught up with Basilisk Games' Thomas Riegsecker for a brief Q&A about his decision to pursue an indie develo...

Basilisk Games Developing a Sci-Fi RPG

Posted by BuckGB at 2:06 pm on 04.6.2011 (13 years ago)

A quick project update on the official Basilisk Games website confirms that the indie developer is in the preliminary stages of de...

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