

Blood Assassin: Weapon Enhancements
Shade's Agility
(sample screenshot)
Duration300 seconds
Mana CostGrows with Intelligence
Effect Adds dexterity (dexterity amount grows with level)

Mark of Rending
(sample screenshot)
RequiresCombat Magic 6
Duration300 seconds
Mana CostGrows with Intelligence
Effect Adds ranged weapon damage, adds to the execute power (damage amount and power benefit grow with level)

Mana Shot
(sample screenshot)
RequiresCombat Magic 13
Duration300 seconds
Mana CostGrows with Intelligence
Effect Adds ranged weapon damage for a mana cost per hit (damage amount and mana cost grow with level)

Mark of the Harvest
(sample screenshot)
RequiresCombat Magic 19
Duration300 seconds
Mana CostGrows with Intelligence
Effect Adds death damage to ranged attacks, adds to the execute power (damage amount and power benfit grow with level)

Mark of Fire
(sample screenshot)
RequiresCombat Magic 32
Duration300 seconds
Mana CostGrows with Intelligence
Effect Adds fire damage to ranged attacks, adds to the execute power (damage amount and power benfit grow with level)

(sample screenshot)
RequiresCombat Magic 32
Duration300 seconds
Mana CostGrows with Intelligence
Effect Adds to armor, knocks back enemies (armor amount grows with level)