

The Druid
Druid The Druids inhabiting the northern forests of Scosglen developed their magic independently from the eastern mage clans. They served as the warrior-kings of their tribes, usually living apart from their people in massive stone towers that were covered with vines and ivy. As masters of the natural world, they were able to control living creatures and the very forces of nature.

Perhaps the most notable power of these Druids is their ability to change their form into that of an animal. Because of this ability, the tribes under their rule knew that they could be watched at any time. The sight of what was thought to be a common beast transforming into a vengeful Druid kept many a potential uprising in check.

The Druid controls both Elemental and Prime magic. His Elemental powers give him control over fire, earth, and the winds. His Primal bond with nature allows him to command many beasts and plants, summoning hawks, wolves, vines, and even natural spirits to do his bidding. He can also change his own shape into creatures such as a huge cave bear or a dire wolf, and then use these forms to call upon further powers.

Druids shun the use of traditional magic, or Dubhdroiacht, as they call it. They instead practice a form of magic based in their close bond to nature. Through this intimate kinship with the world of Sanctuary, a Druid has the power to command fire, earth, and the winds. He is a friend to the animals of the wilds and can call upon them to aid in his struggle. He can also use his heightened rapport with the animals to change the shape of his own body, drawing on the strengths and abilities of his woodland companions to better serve their cause.

The Druid's skill tree is comprised of the following tabs: Elemental, Shape Shifting, and Summoning.
Druid Statistics

  Starting Attributes
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 20
Vitality: 25
Energy: 20
Hit Points: 55
Stamina: 84
Mana: 20
Bonuses on Level Up
Life: +1.5
Stamina: +1
Mana: +2
Bonus Each Stat Point
1 Vitality: +2 to Life
1 Vitality: +1 to Stamina
1 Energy: +2 to Mana