Titan Quest Equipment Database: Item Details
Note: Item statistics are consistent, but each bonus might vary slightly whenever the item drops.
Morpheus' Dreamweb
[Immortal Throne]
Divine Artifact
+20% Damage +20% Lightning Damage +20% Electrical Burn Damage +20% Vitality Damage +30% Sleep Damage 100% Sleep Resistance
Grants Skill: Dreamstorm (Activated upon taking damage) A cloud of dark dreams spreads out from the player, putting all enemies to sleep. When they awaken, they will be filled with confusion, terror, and lethargy.
10.0 Meter Radius 80% Chance For One of the Following: 14 Seconds of Fear 14 Seconds of Confusion 7 Seconds of Sleep 50% Slowed For 14 Seconds
Required Level: 55