

Pillars of Eternity Equipment Database: Search Results
The Last Tower Source: WM1
Category: Armor (Shield) Value: 805

Deflection: +16
Accuracy: -8
Move Speed: +1
Major Spellbind: Grants Armor of Faith (3 per rest)
Exceptional: +8 Shield Deflection

How Obtained:
  • Cragholdt - Found in locked chest in treasure chamber

According to legend, this shield was one of twelve fashioned for a small subset of paladins from the Order of Kind Wayfarers. Calling themselves the Towers, the paladins charged themselves with protecting the small outlying villages and towns clustered along the foothills of the White March.

Though their numbers were few, the paladins were known for their unwavering dedication, moving swiftly to engage any threat to innocent travelers. Those with the fortune to fight beside these warriors often said that they felt as if otherwise fatal blows would glance harmlessly off their armor, and claimed that the paladins had brought them fortune.

As the years passed, each of the paladins succumbed to age or violence, until only one remained. The last Tower became a legendary figure in her own right, walking a lonely patrol along the eastern roads of the Dyrwood.

This shield is said to have been pulled from the Lake of Drowned Tombs by a villager from Goodhope. The battered kite shield remains a fine piece of craftsmanship, though the green paint of its heraldic tower has been scraped away in several places.