

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Wand of Cure Critical Wounds
Base Item: Magic Wand
Weight: 1 pound(s)
Resource Name: nx2_wand_ccritical
Installation: Storm of Zehir
Special Properties
Cast Spell: Cure Critical Wounds (7) [1 Charge/Use]
Use Limitation: Class: Bard
Use Limitation: Class: Blackguard
Use Limitation: Class: Cleric
Use Limitation: Class: Druid
Use Limitation: Class: Spirit Shaman
This wand casts cure critical wounds as a 7th level caster, healing a non-undead target of 39 points of damage. If used against an undead target, it instead inflicts 39 points of damage (Will save for half damage). Each use of the wand drains one charge - when it's empty, it's nothing more than a worthless stick.