

Fable III Equipment Database: Item Details
The Money Shot (Rifle)
Damage Progression: --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 109
Base Value: 12650 Gold

Augment 1: Workaholic (Earn 20,000 gold from jobs.)
Augment 1 Reward: Gain money with each hit.

Augment 2: Stardom (Make 7 villagers love you.)
Augment 2 Reward: Gain money with each hit.

Augment 3: Investor (Spend 20,000 of your personal gold.)
Augment 3 Reward: Gain money with each hit.
Entrepreneur Archie McGuffin designed this weapon to generate as much money as possible in combat. He forgot to make it powerful enough and was eaten by hobbes while testing it out. His widow inherited four pieces of gold.
• Mercenary Camp - Received after scoring 350 or more points at the Shooting Range

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