

Fable III Equipment Database: Item Details
Simmons's Shotgun (Rifle)
Damage Progression: 26 | 35 | 46 | 58 | 85 | 110
Base Value: 12300 Gold

Augment 1: Gulliver (Make yourself fatter.)
Augment 1 Reward: +30% damage vs. humans.

Augment 2: Exhumation (Dig up 30 items.)
Augment 2 Reward: + shotgun spray.

Augment 3: Officer (Score 2000 at the Mourningwood Fort mortar.)
Augment 3 Reward: +20 extra damage.
Lieutenant Simmons carried this shotgun with him at all times, and it saved his life on many occasions. Didn't stop him being torn to shreds by hollow men though.

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