Star Wars: KotOR II Equipment Database: Item Details
Freyyr's Warblade |
Template: w_melee_30 |
Tag: w_melee_30 |
Type: Weapon (Melee) |
Value: 29955 |
Feat(s) Required: Weapon Proficiency: Melee Weapons |
Special Properties |
Not Upgradeable |
Damage: Physical, 5-32 |
Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2 |
Attack Modifier: +1 |
Carved upon this mighty warblade is a symbol of the Wookiee chieftain Freyyr. How this weapon found its way off of the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk is unknown. |
Obtained: |
This item is either very common or randomly placed throughout the game. |