

Star Wars: KotOR II Equipment Database: Item Details
  Bothan Droid Disruptor
Template: w_brifle_15
Tag: w_brifle_15
Type: Weapon (Blaster Rifle)
Value: 3765
Feat(s) Required: Weapon Proficiency: Blaster Rifle
Special Properties
Upgradeable (Scope, Chamber)
Damage: Ion, 2-11
Damage Penalty: +2-20
Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x3
Attack Modifier: +1
Droids can be difficult obstacles for a spy, but these weapons take all the guesswork out of dealing with them.
While ion weapons are generally less damaging against organic opponents, they are powerful against droids. Also, ion damage can penetrate some defenses blaster fire cannot. Ion weapons cannot utilize most power pack upgrades.
• This item is either very common or randomly placed throughout the game.