

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Amulet of the Master
Base Item: Amulet
Weight: 0.1 pound(s)
Resource Name: nw_it_mneck034
Installation: Neverwinter Nights 2 (Base)
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Disable Device [+ 6]
Skill Bonus: Lore [+ 6]
Skill Bonus: Open Lock [+ 6]
Skill Bonus: Diplomacy [+ 6]
Skill Bonus: Search [+ 6]
Spell Resistance [16]
Ciressa Gind'ra was a mage who infiltrated the Night Masks for the Harpers, before she was found drowned in a two-inch puddle outside her residence. To infiltrate them, Ciressa created an amulet that allowed her to mimic the abilities of a master thief. One night she used it to break into the Night King's private quarters. She didn't anticipate the Night King's personal guard, who had a permanent detect magic spell surrounding the room. When the Night King was finished with her, he took the amulet, and since it had qualities useful for any adventurer, he made copies of it, which he sold throughout the land.