

Neverwinter Nights 2 Equipment Database: Item Details
Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 18-20/x2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feats Required: Martial, Rogue, or Elf
Base Item: Rapier
Weight: 2 pound(s)
Resource Name: i_hook
Installation: Mysteries of Westgate
Special Properties
Skill Bonus: Parry [+ 2]
Enhancement Bonus [+ 1]
Bonus Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
Haman "The Shadow" was among the most feared of the Night Masks' assassins for his ability to seemingly appear out of nowhere, strike, and slink back into the shadows (from which was derived his nickname).

But Haman was also more than capable of holding his own in a straight-out fight due to the two blades he called simply "Hook" and "Skinner." His favorite style of combat was to hold "Hook" in his right hand and his dagger, "Skinner," in his left. Inevitably, his opponent would concentrate on the longer blade, never realizing until it was too late that it was simply a decoy. Haman, of course, was left-handed, and more often than not, "Hook" would indeed reel the prey into range of "Skinner."