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Most Recent Beyond Divinity News

Larian Studios Retrospective

Posted by ValH at 8:10 am on 08.16.2022 (1 year ago)

With how huge Divinity: Original Sin II was, and with Larian Studios now working on Baldur's Gate III, it's easy to forget that th...

Swen Vincke to Receive First Belgian Lifetime Achievement Award

Posted by ValH at 11:01 am on 01.21.2020 (4 years ago)

Larian Studios, the company responsible for the long-running Divinity series and the upcoming Baldur’s Gate III, was founded by ...

Swen Vincke Interview

Posted by ValH at 1:08 pm on 11.12.2019 (4 years ago)

Larian Studios, the company that brought us the long-running Divinity series and is currently working on the next Baldur's Gate, w...

Divinity: Original Sin Video Documentary

Posted by ValH at 11:33 am on 10.2.2018 (5 years ago)

If you're interested in the history of Larian Studios and their long-runing Divinity series, then you may want to watch the latest...

Divinity: Original Sin Documentary Trailer

Posted by ValH at 12:20 pm on 09.25.2018 (5 years ago)

The Gameumentary team has put together a new feature length documentary where they look at Larian Studios' 20 years of history, th...

The Making of Divinity: Original Sin II and the History of Larian Studios

Posted by ValH at 10:37 am on 04.7.2018 (6 years ago)

The 316th issue of the PC Gamer magazine featured a couple of articles dedicated to Larian Studios and their Divinity series of vi...

Larian Historical Composer Kirill Pokrovsky Passed Away

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 12:04 pm on 06.2.2015 (9 years ago)

While I have always had an appreciation for the soundtracks of Larian's fantasy RPGs, I have only recently learned of their compos...

Larian Studios to Announce New RPGs Around E3

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 5:23 pm on 04.13.2015 (9 years ago)

The latest entry on Swen Vincke's personal blog is fairly long and mostly focuses on his current time management problems and his ...

Larian Studios Interview

Posted by BuckGB at 2:22 am on 04.10.2015 (9 years ago)

There's a candid new interview with Swen Vincke up at, where the Larian Studios CEO talks about the struggles th...

Divinity Anthology Review

Posted by BuckGB at 4:51 pm on 01.5.2013 (11 years ago)

Gaming Nexus has whipped up a full review of Divinity Anthology, Larian Studios' bundle pack that spans the entirety of the Divini...

Divinity Series Interview

Posted by BuckGB at 1:57 am on 12.22.2012 (11 years ago)

German website managed to corner Larian Studios' Swen Vincke for a four-page English interview about their series of Div...

Divinity II Developer's Cut, Beyond Divinity, and Divinity Anthology Get Steamed

Posted by BuckGB at 4:46 am on 10.31.2012 (11 years ago)

Larian Studios unleashed a vast majority of their video game catalogue onto Steam today, including the Divinity II Developer's Cut...

Larian's Swen Vincke on Divinity Anthology Launch

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 7:27 am on 10.14.2012 (11 years ago)

Larian Studios' Swen Vincke has penned yet another of his frank blog posts, this time focusing on the launch of Divinity Anthology...

Pay What You Want For Divinity Anthology, Early Larian RPG to be Revealed

Posted by BuckGB at 12:17 am on 10.11.2012 (11 years ago)

If you didn't jump on the Divinity Anthology bundle pack the minute it was announced, then you may want to turn your attention to ...

Divinity Anthology Announced

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 3:18 pm on 10.9.2012 (11 years ago)

This morning came the announcement that the Divinity titles released so far by Larian (Divine Divinity, Divinity II, now re-releas...

Larian's Swen Vincke Talks Costs of Voiced Dialogue and Motion Capture

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 12:33 pm on 03.30.2012 (12 years ago)

Larian Studios' Swen Vincke has penned the follow-up to a blog post from last year on the costs of voice acted dialogue. As it tur...

Larian Studios Interview, Part Two

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 1:01 pm on 03.17.2012 (12 years ago)

The second part of Neoseeker's interview with Swen Vincke is online and focuses on the developer-publisher model and the many unre...

Larian Studios Interview, Part One

Posted by BuckGB at 6:48 am on 03.6.2012 (12 years ago)

The first part of a fascinating new interview with Larian Studios' Swen Vincke is up on Neoseeker, during which the studio head sh...

Larian Studios Interview

Posted by BuckGB at 2:48 pm on 01.30.2012 (12 years ago)

In a new interview on, Larian Studios' Swen Vincke covers a wide variety of topics related to his company and th...

Larian's Swen Vincke Talks Marketing Budgets

Posted by WorstUsernameEver at 7:24 pm on 01.24.2012 (12 years ago)

In a post on his personal blog, Larian Studios' Swen Vincke discusses marketing budgets, and why developers' would do best to over...

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