

Strong Silver Ability Tree
Emphasizing power over quickness and precision, this style is ideal for fighting slower, heavily armored foes possessing greater endurance. The Strong Style is not effective against lightly armored, agile targets.

Once found, Geralt should utilize the one-handed silver blade against post-conjunction creatures like vampires, necrophages, and others susceptible to the semiprecious metal.

Tier I

Strong Silver (Level 1)
Strong Silver
(Level 1)
Effects: Damage 10-20, Opponent Armor -10%, Bleeding +30%
Notes: First attack in sequence, consists of two blows.
Requires: Bronze Talent

Deep Cut I
Deep Cut I
Effects: Bleeding +15%
Notes: None
Requires: Bronze Talent

Mortal Blow I
Mortal Blow I
Effects: Damage +20%
Notes: None
Requires: Bronze Talent

Patinado I
Patinado I
Effects: Damage +40%
Notes: Works only when opponent is affected by Incineration.
Requires: Bronze Talent

Tier II

Strong Silver (Level 2)
Strong Silver
(Level 2)
Effects: Damage 20-40, Opponent Armor -20%, Bleeding +40%
Notes: Second attack in sequence, consists of four blows.
Requires: Bronze Talent

Deep Cut II
Deep Cut II
Effects: Bleeding +15%
Notes: None
Requires: Bronze Talent

Mortal Blow II
Mortal Blow II
Effects: Damage +25%
Notes: None
Requires: Bronze Talent

Patinado II
Patinado II
Effects: Damage +50%
Notes: Works only when opponent is affected by Incineration.
Requires: Bronze Talent

Tier III

Strong Silver (Level 3)
Strong Silver
(Level 3)
Effects: Damage 40-80, Opponent Armor -35%, Bleeding +50%
Notes: Third attack in sequence, consists of five blows.
Requires: Silver Talent

Deep Cut III
Deep Cut III
Effects: Bleeding +20%
Notes: None
Requires: Silver Talent

Mortal Blow III
Mortal Blow III
Effects: Damage +30%
Notes: None
Requires: Silver Talent

Patinado III
Patinado III
Effects: Damage +60%
Notes: Works only when opponent is affected by Incineration.
Requires: Silver Talent

Tier IV

Strong Silver (Level 4)
Strong Silver
(Level 4)
Effects: Damage 60-130, Opponent Armor -45%, Knockdown +75%
Notes: Uppercut - a special attack consisting of two blows. Left-click and hold to perform special attack.
Requires: Strength (Level 3), Silver Talent

Tier V

Strong Silver (Level 5)
Strong Silver
(Level 5)
Effects: Damage 80-160, Opponent Armor -60%, Bleeding +75%
Notes: Fourth attack in sequence, consists of four blows.
Requires: Strength (Level 4), Gold Talent