

Location: Illium

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1 - Asari

This asari will only show up after you've accepted the mission The Prodigal. She's involved in the assignment "Lost Locket Found" (which is covered in the mission entry for The Prodigal).

2 - Asari

If the rachni queen survived your encounter in Mass Effect, then you'll meet an asari here who will deliver a message from her: "The rachni will sing again, because of you." You'll also learn that the rachni queen suspects that the Reapers were somehow behind the Rachni Wars.

3 - Gianna Parasini

If you helped Gianna Parasini put away Administrator Anoleis on Noveria in Mass Effect, then you'll find her sitting at a table here. She'll buy you a beer, but then she'll abruptly leave. However, when you examine the beer, you'll notice that Gianna left you a note with it. This exchange will trigger the assignment "Gianna Parasini."

In the note, Gianna will let you know that she's investigating Serrice Technology (#4), and she'll ask you to visit the shop and see if you can convince the merchant there to show you some illegal goods. You'll have two ways to proceed:
  • You can warn the merchant that she's being watched. The merchant will reward you with a 17% discount at her shop, but then she'll flee the planet, and Gianna will stop talking to you. You'll gain +5 renegade points for choosing this path.

  • You can go along with Gianna's plan. If you have enough renegade / paragon points, then you'll be able to convince the merchant to show you an illegal schematic. When this happens, Gianna will swoop in and threaten to fine the merchant right out of business. This will cause the merchant to run off to her lawyer, and you'll earn up to +6 paragon points, plus 40 xp.
Note: You can get a discount at Serrice Technology just by taking the regular renegade / paragon dialogue options when you talk to the merchant. So if you're planning to take the paragon path through the assignment, you should get the discount first.

4 - Serrice Technology

From Serrice Technology, you'll be able to buy upgrades for Biotic Damage and Medi-Gel Capacity, plus a Bypass Module. After completing the mission on the Collector Ship, you'll also be able to purchase an upgrade for Tech Damage.

The merchant at the shop is also involved in the assignment "Gianna Parasini" (see #3).

5 - Asari / Conrad Verner

When you approach the Eternity Bar, you'll hear an asari woman muttering to herself (#5), which will trigger the assignment "A Troublemaker." If you ask the asari why she's upset, then she'll tell you that "some human" is causing trouble inside the bar. When you investigate, you'll discover that the human in question is no less than Conrad Verner (#5a), who you might remember as "the fan" from Mass Effect. Obviously, you'll only have this encounter if Conrad survived Mass Effect.

If you ask Conrad what he's up to, then he'll tell you that the "undercover cop" who runs Gateway Personal Defense (#14) told him that the bar is really a front for a red sand dealer, and that he's been trying to coerce the bartender into giving him the deed so he can "crack the ring." If you want, you can volunteer to look into the matter for him.

You'll find a weapons merchant at Gateway Personal Defense. When you ask her about Verner, she'll start pretending to be an undercover cop again, but soon enough she'll admit that she was just using Verner to try and gain control of the Eternity Bar. "Prime real estate like that? I'd make a killing." The assignment will play out differently depending on if you use the renegade or paragon dialogue options to get the merchant to tell the truth, but either way she'll give you a 17% discount at her shop, and she'll disappear from the game. Then when you return to Verner, you'll convince him to stop trying to save the galaxy, and you'll earn 40 xp.

Note: At Verner's position (#5a), you'll also meet a bartender. If you ask her for a drink, then she'll activate the drink kiosk next to her. The kiosk is one of four places where you can buy Serrice Ice Brandy (for the assignment "Serrice Ice Brandy" on board the Normandy), and you'll also be able to use the kiosk to purchase a shot of liquor, a glass of wine, and a mystery drink. The mystery drink will cause the room to sway around for several seconds (and make the bartender look younger and prettier), but otherwise none of the drinks will do anything.

6 - Slave Broker / Quarian / Synthetic Insights Rep

After completing the assignment "A Troublemaker" (see #5), a slave broker (#6) and a Synthetic Insights rep (#6a) will move into the bar. If you talk to the slave broker, then she'll give you the assignment "Indentured Servitude." She'll tell you that the quarian with her is an indentured servant with technical skills, but that for some reason the Synthetic Insights rep isn't interesting in buying her contract.

When you talk to the rep, you'll learn that Synthetic Insights doesn't approve of using slave labor, and that they're having financial trouble to boot. This will give you two ways to complete the assignment:
  • If you have enough renegade or paragon points, then you'll be able to convince the rep to take the quarian anyway.

  • If you're not able to (or don't want to) convince the rep, then when you return to the broker, you'll receive new renegade and paragon dialogue options to convince her to end the quarian's contract.
Either way, the broker will pay you 2000 credits for your help, and you'll also earn 40 xp.

7 - Administration

In the administration office (#7), you'll meet your old crewmate Liara T'Soni and her assistant Nyxeris, and you'll learn that Liara has dropped Prothean archeology in favor of information brokering. Liara won't rejoin you, but she will give you information for the dossier missions The Assassin and The Justicar.

If you ask Liara if she needs any help, then she'll give you the mission "System Hacking." She'll tell you that because of some "debts," she needs someone to hack three security terminals for her. You'll find the terminals in the southern part of Illium (#7a). Each time you hack a security terminal, you'll have 60 seconds to find the data server that it was protecting (#7b), and download information from it. You'll be shown the range to the data server in the interface, and so tracking it down should not be too difficult. If you can't find the server in time, then you'll have to hack the security terminal again and start over.

Once you've downloaded information from all three terminals, you'll receive 40 xp and +5 renegade points, and Liara will ask to see you again. When you visit Liara, she'll reward you with 2000 credits.

The next time you talk to Liara, she'll reveal that she hates the Shadow Broker, and that she'd like to kill him. She'll then give you the mission "The Observer." Liara will tell you that the Shadow Broker has several contacts on Illium, including one called the Observer, and she'll speculate that the Observer might know where the Shadow Broker is located. She'll then ask you to "reconstruct" the data from five data terminals, and determine who the Observer is.

You'll find the data terminals in the northern part of Illium (#7c). You'll have to hack the terminals, but each one will give you a data point about the Shadow Broker's operatives, including the Observer. These data points will sort of look like they're setting up a logic puzzle, but all you'll need to notice is that all of the operatives and races mentioned are male, while the Observer is female, and so the information doesn't fit.

If you tell Liara to take down one of the operatives anyway, then you'll gain +2 paragon points. If you tell Liara that the information doesn't make sense, then she'll realize that Nyxeris is the Observer, and you'll gain +5 paragon points and 5000 credits. Either way, you'll also earn 40 xp.

8 - Salarian

The salarian is involved in the assignment "Salarian Family Data" (which is covered in the mission The Assassin).

9 - Seryna

Seryna is involved in the mission The Assassin.

10 - Officer Dara

Officer Dara is involved in the mission The Justicar.

11 - Shiala / Female Colonist

If Shiala survived her encounter with you on Feros in Mass Effect, then you'll find her sitting here. Otherwise you'll find an anonymous female colonist. Either way, the person you meet will give you the assignment "Medical Scans," and you'll learn that the humans from Zhu's Hope were tricked into signing an "unfair contract" by a Baria Frontiers representative named Erinya.

You'll find Erinya standing next to the Baria Frontiers kiosk to the south (#12). When you talk to her there, you'll learn that she doesn't think much of other species. "You bring only chaos and senseless deaths." However, if you have enough renegade or paragon points, then you'll be able to convince her to amend the contract with Zhu's Hope, and you'll earn 40 xp. Then you'll just need to deliver the good news to Shiala or the colonist to wrap up the assignment.

12 - Baria Frontiers

At Baria Frontiers, you'll be able to buy Star Chart - Hades Nexus, Star Chart - Minos Wasteland, Star Chart - Pylos Nebula, and Star Chart - Shrike Abyssal. Each star chart you purchase will give you a new set of optional planetary systems to explore (and mine) with the Normandy.

13 - Asari

The asari standing here is peripherally involved in the assignment "Stolen Goods Found" (which is covered in the mission The Justicar).

14 - Gateway Personal Defense

At Gateway Personal Defense, you'll be able to buy upgrades for Heavy Skin Weave, Submachine Gun Damage, and Assault Rifle Damage, plus purchase Amplifier Plates. After completing the mission on the Collector Ship, you'll also be able to purchase an upgrade for Damage Protection.

If you complete the assignment "A Troublemaker" (see #4), then you'll gain a 17% discount at the shop.

15 - Memories of Illium

At Memories of Illium, you'll be able to buy Prejek Paddle Fish, Model - Alliance Cruiser, and Model - Athabasca Class Freighter. After completing the mission on the Collector Ship, you'll also be able to purchase Model - UT-47 Kodiak Shuttle.

Next to the shop you'll witness a krogan named Charr trying to serenade the asari shopkeeper. "Where are your honored dead, to fertilize the ground that you might grow strong?" If you talk to the asari, then she'll give you the assignment "Blue Rose of Illium." She'll tell you that she's been dating the krogan, but that she's not sure about him. If you have enough renegade or paragon points, then you'll be able to convince her to make a decision. This will earn you 40 xp, and the asari will give you a 17% discount at her shop. If you convince the asari to stay with Charr, then you'll later see them visiting Tuchanka.

  1. Airlock to the Normandy.
  2. Cab console. You'll be able to call a cab during the mission The Justicar.