The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II Equipment Database: Search Results
Exterminator Discharger
(Exterminator Set)
Category: Weapon
Min Level: 22
Req Class:
Arcane Mechanic
Value: 3500
Damage: 22-29
Cooldowns: -[10-11]%
Poison Damage: +10
Poison Damage: +[5-6]%
Weapon Damage: +[15-18]%
Dodge: +35
Dexterity: +[7-10]
(requires 2 set items)
Luck: +[7-10]
(requires 3 set items)
The Exterminators specialize in hunting insectoid monsters. They advocate the use of mimicry, so they can enter a hive and stay unnoticed until they reach the queen.