

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Ismar Frontier
Cluster: Faia
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: The Price of Revenge DLC
Capital: None; largest port is Shol Prime
Population: 953000
Orbital Distance: 6.3 AU
Orbital Period: 15.8 Earth Years
Radius: 24,984 km
Day Length: 14.3 Earth Hours
While the ice mines of Viantel make a great deal of profit from ships passing through Faia's mass relay, the real money is made at Hito. As the only gas giant in the Faia gateway system, Hito is heavily developed by rival helium-3 mining concerns. The world has three major and 26 minor moons, each of which is claimed by a different company. Those based on moons deeper into the gravity well tend to specialize on helium-3 extraction and refining, while those on the farther moons specialize in refueling services and shipment.

The local economy is driven by black marketeering, backroom dealing, and cutthroat business. Each company attempts to sabotage its' rival facilities while protecting their own moon. This has led to open corporate warfare three times in the last century. All the major mercenary groups have offices in the Hito planetary system, though the Blue Suns enjoy a home- team advantage, shipping in cheap logistical supplies from Zorya.