

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Hourglass Nebula
Cluster: Faryar
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: Base Installation
Orbital Distance: 10.1 AU
Orbital Period: 31.7 Earth Years
Radius: 3,085 km
Day Length: 56.3 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.04 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: -166 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.5 G
Alingon ("deceptive") was so named by salarian scouts because as their probes landed on the planet, their instruments started going awry. This turned out to be due to the high concentration of magnetically active periclase (magnesia) in the core and crust of the planet. This interferes with scans and broadcasts, which has given rise to countless spacer stories of pirates lying in wait in Alingon's magnetosphere, or crashed ships with untold fortunes stranded on the surface. In reality, any pirates would have a hard time locating prey amongst all the interference, and would live lives cut off from the rest of the galaxy, as the magnetosphere kills extraplanetary communication.

Alingon's other natural features are a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide, spectacular dry ice formations, and xenon gas, which can be skimmed from the upper atmosphere and used in ion thrusters.