

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Hades Nexus
Cluster: Pamyat
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: Base Installation
Orbital Distance: 2.3 AU
Orbital Period: 3.5 Earth Years
Radius: 6,972 km
Day Length: 59.1 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.21 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: -46 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.9 G
Another near-Earth sized rock planet without much atmosphere to speak of, Dobrovolski is home to Altai Mineral Works, a local extraction company noted for its success in eezo refining. The planet itself provides aluminum for local fabricators, which are churning out habitats at an astonishing rate for a system that has no garden planets. With its ore supply coming all the way from the Sheol system, Dobrovolski is held up as the proof of the miner's cliché: "Where there's eezo, there's an economy."