

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Sigurd's Cradle
Cluster: Skepsis
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: Base Installation
Orbital Distance: 16.8 AU
Orbital Period: 69.1 Earth Years
Radius: 9,586 km
Day Length: 29.7 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: Trace
Surface Temperature: -190 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 3.4 G
Named for the 21st century pioneer of groundwater remediation techniques, Keimowitz is an impressive layer of ice over a stony metallic core. Despite its size, it has only one moon, Noa, which shares its carbonaceous composition, leading astronomers to believe it formed following a giant impact. Iridium deposits have attracted miners to the planet, who must work through robots and telepresence because of the planet's strong gravity.