

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Caleston Rift
Cluster: Yakawa
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: Firewalker Pack DLC
Orbital Distance: 2.0 AU
Orbital Period: 2.8 Earth Years
Radius: 7,105 km
Day Length: 37.6 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: 3.35 Earth Atmospheres
Surface Temperature: 52 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 1.4 G
A dense rock planet, Maskawa has a thick methane-ammonia atmosphere. Because of its similar conditions to the volus homeworld Irune billions of years ago when it first formed life, a large volus university, the Ten-Clan Academy, hosts symposia on the planet's surface. Unfortunately, despite their security precautions, pirates, organ-leggers, and slavers throughout the Terminus Systems have learned that kidnapped students and professors are a source of easy money. This only adds to the university's reputation as a visit or tenure at the Academy is a clear mark of commitment on any scientific resume.