

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Solar System
Cluster: Sol
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: Base Installation
Population: Gateway Stations - 9,300
Orbital Distance: 39.5 AU
Orbital Period: 247.7 Earth Years
Radius: 1,151 km
Day Length: 9.4 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: Trace
Surface Temperature: -229 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.06 G
Pluto is one of Sol's numerous "ice dwarf" worlds. It is mainly of note for being the gravitational "anchor" for the Mass Relay to Arcturus. Pluto and the Charon Relay (formally encased in ice, and considered a moon) orbit each other. Pluto's orbit was circularized in 2175 as a side effect of the Charon Mass Relay recovery operations.