

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Pylos Nebula
Cluster: Dirada
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: Base Installation
Orbital Distance: 222.2 AU
Orbital Period: 1860.4 Earth Years
Radius: 26,566 km
Day Length: 12.7 Earth Hours
With an orbital period of nearly two millennia long, the cold and distant Vioresa was actually missed in the initial asari survey of the system. Only a follow-up mineral assay sent to Canalus by a volus mining concern noticed its subtle movement across the stars.

Vioresa is a methane-ammonia ice giant, circled by a retinue of deep-frozen moons. Its remoteness makes it a popular drive discharge point for pirates working the Pylos Nebula cluster. In the last two years, several dozen ships have disappeared while passing through the Dirada system. As Pylos is currently unclaimed by any sovereign power, Council naval patrols are few and far between. Thus far none of the pirates responsible have been apprehended.