

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Caleston Rift
Cluster: Solveig
Anomaly/Landable: Yes
Installation: Base Installation
Colony Founded: 2044 CE
Population: 135
Largest Habitat: Trundholm
Surtur's moon Sinmara has been used for many generations to monitor its parent star Solveig. It has no atmosphere to interfere with solar observational equipment, which is critical at this juncture; the star recently showed signs of erupting prematurely into a red giant.

In preparation for the day when the critical warning goes out, the extranet channel from Sinmara's research station is given top priority throughout the comms buoys in the system. The chances of such a signal being received over the sun's magnetic interference at that time is low, but relegating it to a lower channel proved politically unreliable.