

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Ismar Frontier
Cluster: Faia
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: The Price of Revenge DLC
Capital: None; largest port is Kyleios Station 04
Population: 10400
Orbital Distance: 3.0 AU
Orbital Period: 5.2 Earth Years
Radius: 1,381 km
Day Length: 28.4 Earth Hours
Atmospheric Pressure: Trace
Surface Temperature: -150 Celsius
Surface Gravity: 0.11 G
Though a dwarf planet, Viantel's large amounts of water have led to heavy development by water-cracking industries seeking to turn the planet into hydrogen-oxygen fuel for starship thrusters. The surface is blanketed with habitation modules, mining equipment, and cracking stations.

Since the initial settlement of Illium in the nearby Tasale system, the radius of Viantel has decreased by two kilometers, indicating removal of over 72,000 cubic kilometers of ice. Some groups are concerned that the rate of lose may cause instability in the remaining structure.