

Mass Effect 2 Planetary Database: Entry Details
System: Ismar Frontier
Cluster: Aquila
Anomaly/Landable: No
Installation: The Price of Revenge DLC
Orbital Distance: 8.0 AU
Orbital Period: 22.7 Earth Years
Radius: 37,052 km
Day Length: 16.5 Earth Hours
A relatively small hydrogen-helium gas giant, Pollino remains undeveloped while its sister planet Metaponto garners all the attention. This was not always the case -- in 2180, news stories seeded throughout the extranet claimed that element zero was being found on Pollino's moons in record lodes. This turned out to be a scam spread by the Dunawurachum Consortium, an elcor corporation trying to scare up investors. After a small fleet of space probes scouted the area, the hype quickly deflated, and the myth only persists now in unwanted extranet e-mail messages.