Dungeons & Dragons Online Spell Database: Spell Details
Chaos Hammer |
Cooldown: 4 seconds (½ for Sorcerers and Favored Souls, if applicable) |
Base Spell Point Cost: 25 |
Level: Cleric 4, Favored Soul 4 |
Components: Somatic, Verbal |
Target: Foe, Positional, Breakable |
School: Evocation |
Chaotic power smites your enemies. The power takes the form of a multicolored explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy. Only lawful and neutral (not chaotic) creatures are harmed by the spell. The spell deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (max 5d8) to a lawful creature (or 1d6 per caster level, maximum 10d6, to a lawful outsider) and causes it to be slowed for 6d6 seconds. A successful Will save reduces damage to half and negates the slow effect. The spell deals only half damage to creatures who are neither lawful or chaotic, and they are not slowed. This spell can only be cast by chaotic or neutral casters - it has no effect when cast by a lawful caster. |