

Dragon Age: Origins Equipment Database: Item Details
Tome of Arcane Technique
Category: Miscellaneous
Type: Tome
Installation: Base Installation
Use: This tome gives the reader one point to spend on a talent, but is rendered useless afterwards.
Restriction: Mage
A tome researched by the Imperial Chantry, a Tevinter offshoot of the Andrastian religion that no longer persecutes magic users. The book grants insight into the Fade, increasing the reader's knowledge of spells.
• Circle Tower (Apprentice Quarters) - Purchased from Quartermaster
• Party Camp - Purchased from Bodahn Feddic
• Denerim Market District (Wonders of Thedas) - Purchased from Tranquil Proprietor
• Hideout - Purchased from Lem's Fenced and Found during Leliana's Song DLC
• Circle Tower (Apprentice Quarters) - Obtained from "Tome of Technique: Use It Or Lose It" book in Self-Improvement section during Witch Hunt DLC if your character is a mage