

Dragon Age: Origins Codex Database: Entry Details
Corpse [Entry #8]
Category: Creatures
Installation: Base Installation
"To anyone who doubts the wickedness of blood magic, I say: With your own hands, strike down the corpses of your own brothers who have fallen in battle to a maleficar, then we may discuss morality."

--Knight-Commander Benedictus, in a letter to the Divine, 5:46 Exalted.

The walking dead are not, as the superstitious are wont to believe, the living come back for revenge. They are, rather, corpses possessed by demons.

The shambling corpse, controlled by a demon of sloth, causes its enemies to become weak and fatigued. Corpses possessed by rage demons go berserk and simply wade into their opponents mindlessly. Devouring corpses are held by hunger demons and feed upon the living. The more powerful demons rarely deign to possess a dead host.
• Various Locations - Received upon your first encounter with a shambling corpse