

Dragon Age: Origins Equipment Database: Item Details
Category: Weapon
Type: Greatsword
Material: Silverite (Tier 6)
Damage: 16.50
Critical Chance: 2.25%
Armor Penetration: 5.25
Strength Modifier: 1.10
Installation: Base Installation
Weakens Nearby Darkspawn
Messy Kills
+4 Damage vs. Darkspawn
Increases Hostility and Intimidation
+0.25 Stamina Regeneration in Combat
Requires: 34 Strength
The markings suggest many have held this blade, but their identities are not just obscure, they are forgotten completely, as if by intent. The blade, however, endures, becoming better for each owner who raised it--for the time being--in triumph. Not a benefit willingly given or easily exploitable.
• Orzammar Royal Palace - Found on dragon's corpse after standing on three pressure plates and activating throne of Orzammar