

Dungeons & Dragons Online Equipment Database: Item Details
Epic Coronation Shield
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Bound to Character
Minimum Level: 20
Weapon Type: Shield
Equips To: Off Hand
Proficiency: Shield Proficiency (General)
Shield Bonus: 8
Shield Type: Large
Damage Reduction: 12
Armor Check Penalty: -1
Spell Failure: 15%
Damage: 2d6 + 6 Bludgeon, Magic
Critical Roll: 20 / x2
Attack Mod: STR
Damage Mod: STR
Durability: 165 / Steel [Hardness: 19]
Caster Level: 5
Imbued Spell: Blinding Flash
Charges: 3 [Recharged/Day: 3]
Base Value: 81020 gp
Weight: 15 lbs
Obtained: Crafted at the Altar of Epic Rituals in The Twelve with the base item, a Shard of the Coronation Shield, a Seal of the Coronation Shield, and a Scroll of the Coronation Shield
Twelve shields were crafted for the personal guard of a long forgotten drown chieftain to use during the coronation ceremony. Only this one remains.