Diablo III Preview

Cheat Code Central has kicked up a two-page preview of Blizzard's Diablo III based on what we know about the action RPG sequel up to this point.
All the classes will be able to be customized to allow for gender; however, that's about it. Fortunately, the sheer amount of random, rare, and epic loot drops should begin to distinguish your hero as you progress through the game. Graciously, the developers have not slacked in emphasizing loot collection. The loot feature alone should result in hours of replayability.

Furthermore, each class will have its own set of quests in addition to the standard storyline quests. That means players will be able to play the game several times with different characters and have a unique experience. Add to this the fact that the dungeons, monsters, and even scripted events (yes, different events will occur at well known points) will also be randomly generated, and we've got literally hundreds of hours of gameplay in front of us in the single-player campaign alone.