E.Y.E Screenshots, Music Samples, and Class Details

Streum On Studio has updated their official E.Y.E website with a half dozen new screenshots from the Source-powered sci-fi RPG ( in particular looks very promising). If that wasn't enough, they're also hosting three new music samples (here, here, and here) and some details about the game's class system:
Your characteristics determine your class as well as your global level. Thus, several paths could take you to the supreme illumination, to the perfect accomplishment. If predominates:
  • Your Strength: Warrior, Weapon Master, Divine Warrior.
  • Your Psi force: Adept, Psyker, Daemon's Impious Palm.
  • Your Endurance: Protector, Guardian, Divine Rampart.
  • Your Medicine: Apothecary, Healer, Thaumaturge.
  • Your Accuracy: Armed Arm, Marksman, Divine Lightning.
  • Your Hacking: Hacker, Hack Master, Puppet Master.
  • Your Agility: Scout, Shadow Strider, Death Wind.
  • Your Mental balance: Ascetic, Sage, Venerable.
  • Your Strength and Accuracy: Avenger, Slayer, Divine Talion.
  • Your Agility and Strength or Accuracy: Tracker, Dark Hunter, Divine Assassin.
  • Your Psi force and Strength or Accuracy: Warrior Adept, Warrior Psyker, Divine Destroyer.
  • Your Hacking and Psi force: Cybermancer, Necrocybermancer, Cyber Demiurge.
  • Your Endurance and Strength or Accuracy: Valiant Man, Champion, Divine Seal.
  • Your Psi force and Medicine: Monk, Priest, Mystic.

If nothing predominates then you're following the path of the cosmic purification octuple equilibrium: Equilibrium Fist, Equilibrium Lord, Gray Master.