Risen Preview

After attending a Risen demonstration given by a German-speaking presenter, Games Radar does their best to tell us what they learned about Piranha Bytes' upcoming RPG without understanding a single word their host said.
3. A Mediterranean setting should help set it apart from other fantasy RPGs

Of the little info we've been able to gather on Risen's storyline, we know that it begins with the main character shipwrecking on the island the game takes place on. The concept of thrusting the player into a new, totally unexplored world is very similar to the Gothic series, but Piranha Bytes is putting a bit more distance between their previous games by making this setting more exotic. From sandy beaches to villages with houses made of clay and dirt, the locales look more like Greece than the forested regions in the middle of Europe. In fact, even the leafier zones of Risen will resemble swamps and jungles rather than traditional fantasy forests.