The Life and Times of Too Human

Ripten has put together a brief history of Silicon Knights' Too Human, from its original announcement as a PlayStation title in 1999 to this week's impending release on the Xbox 360.
In May 2005, Electronic Gaming Monthly ran a cover story that blew the doors open on the new, improved, and Microsoft-backed Too Human. Instead of the blatant Blade Runner rip-off of 1999, this was an epic planned trilogy that mixed science-fiction elements with Norse mythology, featured analog-stick based combat that promised to rival titles like Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden for depth and fun, and still maintained the trappings of a serious RPG. People were excited.


And then the party ended. Too Human made an abysmal showing at E3 2006. Under pressure to deliver a demo, Silicon Knights apparently threw together an unfinished playable build, with an atrocious framerate, clunky combat, and a horrid, way-too-zoomed-out camera. It was the beginning of a public outcry that would kickstart Too Human's ongoing career as the punchline of a neverending joke.

Looking back a year later, Dyack would write:

)Last year's E3 was very painful. I am glad it is dead.)