Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

SOE's official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time interviewing the guys behind the SWG with Yivvits and MrBubble podcast.
Q: Why did you want to make a SWG podcast?

John: Why we AT FIRST wanted to make one was just to play with podcasts -- we're both nerds and like to try new stuff. Somewhere for me during the first six episodes we started really having fun and getting positive feedback and I noticed it made the game more fun in the process, so that's why we still do it.

I can't speak for Brent, but it's been just an incredible experience for me and introduced me to many new friends and has even encroached on my real life in a positive way. If I didn't have this podcast, I'd probably be living in an alley in a large refrigerator cardboard box, eating ketchup packets and saltine crackers. Or something like that.