World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Preview

Games Radar has conjured up a preview of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, along with a quick look at the upcoming Zul'Aman instance, guild storage, guild housing, and in-game chat. The information is apparently based on a conversation the writer had with World of Warcraft producer J. Allen Brack during this year's BlizzCon:
Though the expansion was the big news, also announced was the upcoming changes in patch 2.3. This patch will introduce Zul'Aman, a new ten man instance in the Ghostlands.

(We're still tuning Zul'Aman, it's all about the tuning and the number of bosses.) Brack said. (It's a ten man, we're trying to recreate the feeling of Karazhan, which is one of our most successful instances, but it's really long. It's almost impossible to get down to one day.)

It's good to know we aren't the only ones stupefied by how long Karazhan is. (We are looking at making Zul'Aman shorter, but the number of bosses is still being tuned.) Brack continued. (We're also talking about making it only a three or four or five day timer reset, but we haven't announced what that is.)