The Ten Most Influential RPGs of Our Time

The staff at ActionTrip has compiled a list of the "Ten Most Influential RPGs of Our Time", citing such titles as Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment, Fallout, Ultima, Star Wars: KotOR, and Morrowind. Here's what they had to say about Knights of the Old Republic:
In this case, Bioware didn't just win us over with traditional RPG goodness and a powerful franchise. Thanks to all the gifted writers and first-rate designers behind the project, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic became more than a mere RPG. It was a joy to play both on the Xbox and PC and that's mostly due to the well-thought-out plot, catchy setting and brilliantly incorporated dialogue system. The game utilized a popular movie license and turned it into a wonderful single-player experience, with a narrative that could easily give the recent Star Wars movies a run for their money.

I really don't understand how World of Warcraft ended up topping the list, though. Sure, it's popular, but there are literally hundreds of MMORPGs and MUDs that influenced its development.