Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Reviews

The very first online reviews for Ubisoft and Arkane Studios' Dark Messiah of Might and Magic have been posted, starting at GameSpot with an overall score of 6.7/10:
Aside from its technical issues, there's nothing extremely wrong with Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. But beyond it being a fantasy-themed first-person action game (which is something of a rarity these days), the game doesn't really do much to make its campaign stand out. You could certainly do worse than Dark Messiah, but you could probably do a lot better, also.

And moving on to Eurogamer with an overall score of 8/10:
If you give it, it'll pay you back. You won't remember Dark Messiah's busty-woman character guide, but you will remember the sheer joy of mutilating the orcish, undead and assorted monstrous hordes in a variety of imaginative ways. When mass slaughter is as imaginative as this, it can't help but be memorable.