The Broken Hourglass Monday Update

Planewalker Games' official website has been updated with some specific rules and mechanics behind the combat system in their upcoming CRPG, The Broken Hourglass.
In our system, weapons do not have an inherently random amount of damage associated with them. Instead of doing "1d8" or "2d6+1" points of damage, weapons do "5" or "20" points of damage assuming "ideal" conditions of a 100% hit factor. In real combat, damage will vary because the hit factor will be different every time the weapon strikes home. So a "10 damage shortsword" will only do that 10 points of damage on a 100% hit factor hit. If hit factor is 11%, only 1 point of damage is done. If hit factor is 152%, 15 points of damage are done. (We don't track damage out to decimal places. We could, but it would make the character sheet look messy.)