Bioware/Pandemic Interview

Next Generation had the opportunity to chat with BioWare/Pandemic marketing VP Jillian Goldberg about how the company plans to market Mass Effect and other titles.
Q: Is the direction of marketing going to change significantly at BioWare/Pandemic? What are you bringing to the company?

A: I'm still trying to get up to speed on [what direction I'll be taking the companies' marketing], but I think the idea is to really look at these properties with multi-product arcs, and really take a little more control within the brands. How do we make sure that Mass Effect becomes the strong product line, the trilogy, and set it up for that long-term success, and really not think of them as one-off properties, but about building an identity for these products long-term.

We're going to put a lot more investment up front on making sure we've got those cultural hooks and relevancy to add onto the gameplay hooks that Pandemic and BioWare are so strong with already.