Linda Currie Interview

RPGDot has conducted an interview with Linda Currie, the former Project Leader of Sir-Tech (makers of the Wizardry games). Here's a bit of what to expect:
Q: Your favourite game, both electronical and board?

A: A bunch of us on the team often get together and play various board or card games but one we often return to is Settlers of Catan. Electronically. well at the time I was terribly addicted to EverQuest but freed myself from my MMORPG chains after 6 months or so (I was seriously addicted). Since then I've enjoyed spending time on other MMORPGs but find that I'm just not willing to devote so much to keeping up and find myself returning to single player games where I feel I have more control over the pace that I play at. I've also been trying to spend more time on various console games but all in all, RPGs are probably the genre closest to my heart.