Mark Nelson Interview

The guys at RPGVault had the chance to sit down with Bethesda designer Mark Nelson to ask several questions about the now-gold expansion for Morrowind, Tribunal. Check it out:

    Q: What are you willing to tell our readers about Mournhold? Where is it, how large and diverse is it, what kind of history does it have, and what are its landmark locations?

    A: Mournhold, the capital city of Morrowind, is located on the mainland of the continent, and is the seat of power for both the monarchy and the Tribunal Temple. The city itself has been leveled and rebuilt on its own ruins a number of times. The architecture itself is similar to the Dark Elven architecture people have already seen, but it's not as influenced by the harsh environments found on the island. In town, players will enjoy shopping at the Great Bazaar, and can spend a day lounging peacefully by the fountains at the Plaza Brindisi Dorom. And, of course, there are the Royal Palace and the Temple to explore.