Version 1.54J Patch Notes (Test)

Sanya has made the v1.54J test patch notes available on the Camelot Herald. Once again, this update is short and sweet, so here it is in its entirety:


    - You now have to reach deeper water before you go into swim mode - this is to support some areas of the expansion where there is swampy shallow water that you can run through.

    - When you click on a keep door, you will now target it correctly again (broke last version).

    - Monsters will now propagate much more smoothly when they are flying.

    - Horse should now animate and propagate much more smoothly when you are riding them.

    - Players should now be able to turn in the Collar of the Dead to Loremaster Alain on the Hands of Fate quest - Please note this fix was also read into the live servers.